Protecting Your Business during Corona-virus Outbreak

Protecting Your Business during Corona-virus Outbreak

In a period of just a few weeks, The economy went from a do-not panic situation to a situation of complete lockdown across the nation. Coronavirus is spreading in many countries like wildfire and everyday positive cases are increasing. People are locked inside their home as a safety precaution, markets are facing downfall leading the businesses sinking due to this pandemic. Country-wide quarantines, restrictions on traveling, social distancing, staying at home have resulted in a sharp fall in consumers as well as business spending money leading to a situation of recession around the world affecting the global economy.

Protecting your business during a coronavirus outbreak means preparing your company for the situation when worse can turn to worst. Let’s have a look at a few tips to keep your company healthy during this pandemic:

  1. Formulate a Plan: Business should create a plan to safeguard its employees as well as the company as the spread of coronavirus is increasing. If you haven’t done it yet it’s the high time you must create a plan for it. The plan must consist of the steps your company can take if the outbreak affects your business. It should also contain the measures that can be taken to protect your employees as well as a business before the disaster knocks your door or strikes you. Here are some important points that must be a part of your plan:
    The measures you are taking for your employees’ protection.
    Steps to take if the outbreak hits your business.
    How to contact employees in case of any emergency.
  2. If Possible, Implement Work from Home: It is the best time to add work from home policy in your company as in this pandemic it is the best option to keep your employees and your company safe. Businesses are finding alternative work arrangements to avoid employees from coming to the office to maintain social distance. For some businesses, it may be a new game to implement work from home and some may have got the time to investigate its feasibility in their business and then proceeded to implement work from home. It totally depends on the nature and kind of business you are in because you may not be able to provide the facility of work from home to your employees if you are in such a business where you need to interact with the customers face-to-face. If you are implementing work from home policy then you must include things such as remote procedures, employee eligibility, rules regarding remote work in your policy.
  3. Always Keep your Managers Informed about Updates: Updating your managers is essential especially when such kind of deadly attack of coronavirus strikes you in order to protect your business. Do research work to keep your business safe during the coronavirus outbreak and gather the latest information related to spreading and regulations about the pandemic. Share all the information with your managers as early as possible so that they can work accordingly.
  4. Communicate with Employees: It is not only important to keep your managers updated but it is also essential to keep your employees posted. You can send your employees e-mails, memos or through videos and chats to communicate to give them news related to company and coronavirus. Keeping them posted with the latest news, updates, and safety measures they can take to avoid getting infected; all these things will make them feel valued and they will think that the company cares for them. This also helps you avoid workplace panic and ensure your employees are getting all the needed information.
  5. Evaluate Your Cleaning Procedures: The thing that almost goes unnoticed is that you must emphasize on re-evaluating your cleaning procedures at your office during this coronavirus outbreak. Think about how you can keep your working space and office premises sanitized. Give a thought on how you can improve your cleaning procedures to be safe from coronavirus. Some of the following things can be done in this regard:
    Ask employees to disinfect their seats, desks, and laptops daily.
    Give leaves to sick employees and ask them to not attend office till they are cured completely.
    Encourage employees to wash their hands regularly.
    Stock-up your workplace with disinfectants or sanitizers.
    In short, make every possible effort to keep your workplace safe from getting infected. Keeping your workplace clean will make employees feel that they are working in a safe environment and of course they will appreciate your extra efforts for their safety.
    Make a Disaster Preparedness Policy: Every company must prepare a plan to deal with the crisis. It may include things such as insurance coverage for business, procedures of remote working including the procedures and policies to work from home, how to handle meetings, the ways to get finance when no one is making investments, supply chain alternatives, etc.
  6. Take Benefit of Relief by Government: The coronavirus is affecting the economy and world but in this pandemic situation there is no need to panic as small relief is to be given by the Government. The government has said it will help small businesses and individuals who have been impacted by the virus outbreak.
    No matter what is going to happen but small- and medium-sized businesses are surely going to get impacted by this coronavirus outbreak. Although, the Government may step in for help to provide funds or some other ways the business owners must act proactively and take all steps to keep their doors open even if their employees are not with them presently. The coronavirus is a global health emergency that needs effective actions by the individuals, businesses and the government as well. All businesses have a chief role to play in reducing the spread of coronavirus. Being proactive, taking quick and effective actions can help in minimizing the short-term as well as long-term risks to the business and the economy. It is believed that prevention is much better than cure so businesses must take necessary steps depending on their location, nature of the business, and business operations to deal with this pandemic attack of coronavirus that has forced lockdown in many countries worldwide.
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