Business Listing & Classified Mobile App
Mobile App to find Nearby Business via GPS location
Track GPS location & Show nearby businesses.

About The Company
KosherRoute is a marketing app, Which lists business listings with their information & picture galleries. The app users can easily find out nearby businesses and navigate through the google map linked to the business listings in the app.
Delivered Elements
- 1. Designed mobile app screens for both the platforms iOS & Android.
- 2. App Tracks the app uses location and shows nearby businesses accordingly.
- 3. Business as advertisers can list their information on the app.
- 4. Reviews & Ratings for the business services.
- 5. Rating & Reviews on service provider listings.
- 6. The subscription model for businesses/advertisers.
- 7. App user can click pics from mobile and upload them with their feedbacks.
- 8. The solution built on the iOS operating platform.
Directory mobile app development company, GPS based business classified mobile app developers