Google shut down its nearby feature due to unwanted push notifications

Google shut down its nearby feature due to unwanted push notifications

On December 6 last year, Google shut down it’s nearby feature in Android smartphones which came by default tab in most of the smartphones like a WiFi, Bluetooth like of similar tools in the top setting bar of android phones.

This doesn’t mean that Google completely removes the support to the Eddystone beacon feature. But now onwards Eddystone beacons will also work similar to ibeacons of Apple and they need a respective app installed in the smartphone to work for action.

Substantially ‘Nearby’ feature was a useful feature, where push notifications can be sent to the user for customer engagement but due to its misuse, this feature became a Spam and annoying to most of the users of smartphones.

Although it is a welcome decision of the Google, Now onward push notifications will work with Eddy stone beacons with a purpose and in explicit permission of the mobile device user through app installed in the smartphone device. Hundreds of unwanted notification was become annoying for most of us to handle in real time.

What was a Google nearby feature in Android smartphones?

Google nearby feature was produced as a default feature by the Google, which automatically identifies nearby Eddystone beacon and on detecting the beacon it sends a web URL into push notification to take the user to the desired web page for promotions, surveys, information distribution, check-in, checkout, etc. Due to the availability of nearby feature we did not require an app to be installed in the phone to get Eddystone beacon signals. That was a special and major advantage of the Google nearby feature.

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Does it mean Eddystone beacon is dead now?

No, absolutely not, But now usage of Eddystone beacons in a more authentic way. It will work similarly like the apple’s iBeacon beacon protocol. Eddystone can broadcast web URL in push notifications whereas ibeacon open’s up a respective related mobile app and then. action will be executed which has been coded & predefined in the app.

Unluckily, Nearby Notifications became shut down by disturbing notifications from spammers. In a blog post, Google endures to the obstacle and said the characteristic was “leading to the poor user experience.” So starting December 6, it has been shut down. Android users now don’t receive any unwanted clinks from Nearby Push Notifications or Physical Web Notifications. Developers will have to change over to other APIs in order to create proximity-based alerts.

If you still have any questions regarding this innovative technology or have a plan to make some innovative solution you can reach best experienced ibeacon technology developers

Core Benefits of using iBeacon / Eddystone beacon technology?

There are numerous benefits of using this innovative technology. It seems and generally known that they used for sending offers & discount and specifically used for marketing but this is not a reality. There are many myths behind it but in reality, beacons can be used in many exciting & innovative ways. Few of the general use cases are mentioned below :

  • Contact Less Payment Wallet System – Beacon has a long range of connection so they can easily be used in place of touch technology in place of NFC and RFID readers.
  • WireLess Physical Check-in / Check-out – Beacons can be used in meetings, seminars, exhibitions, etc.
  • Indoor Navigation System – beacons can be used for indoor navigation in big events, exhibitions, crowded places where GPS in phones doesn’t work.
  • Business Customer Engagements – You can greet your regular customers, offer them value addition on their repeat visit to your business can log their purchase bills, etc.
  • Warehouse Automation / Inventory Management
  • Dine-in Food Ordering & payment right from the table in the restaurants
  • Food ordering / Service guy calling in the large establishments like Golfs, Beaches, resorts right from the mobile app in a single click.
  • Parking Management System
  • Auto attendance system
  • Smart Home / Office solutions – Electricity equipments etc.
  • Beacons used in security gadgets on a small scale as well as large scale.
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