Eddystone beacon installation at Indian Railway stations by Google

Eddystone beacon installation at Indian Railway stations by Google

Last year Google plants 2000 Eddystone beacons at various railway stations of India. Indian Railway is one of the largest fleet of Rail in the world with the total coverage more than 72K miles. Google partner with some other beacon manufacturer and installed Eddystone beacons at various places, as soon as any user comes in the range of these beacons they get a notification to open a link for information for free wifi setup. The user just needs to open their Bluetooth to get these notifications, They don’t need to download or install any related mobile app.

They further get a very good response in engagement with the mobile user and achieve around 15% of CTR, Which is very high in today’s digital world. Normally Google Adworks CTR comes around 2 – 4% and beacons campaign give a CTR of about 15% which is quite a good reason to use beacon technology in other business industries.

Although, Eddystone works on the similar protocol of low energy Bluetooth technology, where app introduces ibeacons which needs an app to act an action on detection of a user in the range of ibeacons.

By seeing such a large deployment of Eddystone by the Google and it achieves a success, This can be adopted in much other business industry.

Few other famous use cases of Eddystone beacons as follows: 

Museum – Gets a information of artifacts on the mobile without any app.

Food Restaurant – Gets a Food menu on the smartphone as soon as you enter the Restaurant, Gets a notification to provide feedback of Restaurant Food & Services as soon as you leave from the Restaurant, Along with Food Menu customers can place the Food Orders via their mobile & pay from the cards.

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Membership Signups – In a conference or seminars or events, If you would like to get sign ups on your said program you can easily ask or announce to switch on the Bluetooth and all attendees will get the notification to open a URL to take the signups instead of asking them to open a particular URL to the attendees.

Publish / Share Business visiting card – Simple ask other users to open Bluetooth and he will get your business virtual card on his mobile phone.

Guided indoor map – Eddystone make it possible to provide the map interface to the smartphone user for indoor places and you can provide the guided tour as per requirement.

and many others… Eddystone beacon technology is a revolutionary internet of thing which can be used to optimize the user experience simpler.

If you have some idea or have interest in above-shared use case you can contact Fablian, An Experienced Eddystone Mobile App development company.